Thursday, June 7, 2007

Welcome To My Blog

Hi I'm Tinky and this is my blog. I decided to start my own blog because my mommy doesnt write enough about me. And she doesnt think like me. So I must express my own feelings through my own blog. If you want to see more of my old pictures, you can go to my mommy's blog. ( I don't know where it is, you need to find it yourself)

I live in Mommy's office, in Singapore. I have many hammy friends, like Tikus, Ballsy, Vodka and Raisin. I will ask them to post here too sometimes, since they don't have their own blog.

Tikus is a big bully and made me cry when I was young. Now I am big and strong, but still I am scared of Tikus.

Ballsy is a magic hamster. I have only seen him once, so he must usually be invisible. He has a really cool house though. Maybe if I see him again, I will ask him how to make me invisible.

Vodka and Raisin are still babies. I think I could sit on them and they would disappear.

Please come and visit me often! I will post when mommy goes for her lunch breaks and leaves her computer alone.

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